A Moment of Your Time

Thank you for reading.

Authors don’t get to say that much, but since I have this little platform I thought to say thanks, I hope you enjoy the free stories, and I would rather have them read than wasting away on some digital cloud.

I have several works, mostly Middle Grade or Young Adult SFF, that I still hope to publish commercially, but most of the stories posted here over the last 12 years are up (or being put up) on Amazon and D2D/Smashwords and are available to purchase.

It is hard for an independent and mostly unknown person to reach any sort of audience. I am told reviews make a big difference in visibility on the bookseller sites. If any of you who have enjoyed the stories on this site would be willing to take a few moments to leave a review on Amazon or D2D/Smashwords, that would also be much appreciated, but this post is not about selling anything. It is honestly just to say thank you to all you readers out there, You know, without readers an author is just whistling in the wind, or maybe talking to myself.

I have spent the last 15-20 years (depending on how you count it) writing the books I wish I had when I was growing up. It is good to know there are other people in this world who also enjoy them.

Peace, MGK



Kairos Medieval book 5, Medieval Tales, ends with the final story. It tells the tales of two persons of the Kairos. Though separated by years, their stories overlap so in a real sense they grow up together. Kirstie is a Viking. Yasmina is an Arabian princess. For all the differences in their cultures and upbringings, there is a real sense that they are one.

Until Monday, Happy Reading


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